Welcome to the Plants of the Sipaliwini Savanna
The Sipaliwini Savanna in Southern Surinam is an area of outstanding natural beauty and great scientific interest.
During a six month expedition in 1968 – 69 and supplementary visits in 1970 and 1972 we were fortunate enough to study the flora and vegetation of this largely unknown part of Surinam *.
The scientific results are now published on line via this site.
While digging up and working out all our notes, maps, tables, photos etc. we came to the conclusion that – even forty years on – a botanical description of the green hills of the Sipaliwini would be a worthwhile exercise.
Welcome to the Plants of the Sipaliwini Savanna.
Feddo Oldenburger & Reinoud Norde
* Financed by the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research.